✶ he/him | 19 | 05 line | silly ✶

❛❛I pity you. You just don't get it at all. There's not a thing I don't cherish!❞

- Cloud Strife, my lover

This is Milo! Click to feed him.

Also check out the real Milo

It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!

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Check out my site button! I would love to exchange with you!

A S K - M E - A N Y T H I N G

R U L E S :

  • NO nsfw related questions or rude/hateful language will be answered to (obvious sarcasm/general swearing is fine)
  • If you would like to remain anonymous, feel free to skip the username/site link/pfp. If you would like me to post your question with a name, site link, or pfp, leave any/all of that info for me!
  • You are not limited to one response, so if you would like to leave multiple questions/messages here, feel free to do so! Please don't spam the same message over and over. If you need to edit the form after submitting, you can!
  • As long as you adhear to these rules, you can ask anything or make any request/comment you'd like and I will respond in some fashion!
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Why Google Forms? Honestly, to make it a bit easier for me and to avoid clogging up this page too much :]

Submission placeholders:

User 1
Hey, I have a question for you! blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah?
D@NN13 !!
here is my well articulated response! blah blah, blah blah blah blah, la la la la la, deebadeedo, beedadeeda, kachow!
User 2

User 1
D@NN13 !!
User 2