✶ he/him | 19 | 05 line | silly ✶

❛❛I pity you. You just don't get it at all. There's not a thing I don't cherish!❞

- Cloud Strife, my lover

This is Milo! Click to feed him.

Also check out the real Milo

It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!

Track 1


Check out my site button! I would love to exchange with you!

HI! IM D@NN13!!

My name is Dannie and I am the webmaster and owner of this site! I honestly created it as a fun way to practice HTML/CSS and create something that I'm proud of. It also doubles as a way for me to easily show off my creations to people by simply linking them my site. I'm a 19-year-old boy with a passion for all things digital. My mom is super cool and has shared a lot of things from her childhood/teen/young adult years with me throughout my own childhood.

I grew up watching my mom play Final Fantasy IX on our PS2 among a lot of other RPG's, puzzle games, and indie titles. I myself played a lot of Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly and I love it despite all of it's flaws! As I mentioned on my home page, I chose the PS2 as my console theme (even though I spent more time on my Sega Genesis growing up), but the reason is that recently I've gotten to go back and replay a lot of those old PS2 gems that I never fully understood as a kid, and it's been an absolute blast. I also just think it's a very impressive system and probably one of the biggest technological console jumps ever, in my opinion.

Anyways, sorry, I tend to talk a lot and go on tangents. If you're interested in a list of specific interests I've held over the years, that can be found below! Otherwise, enjoy exploring the depths of my braindump in digital form!


Current interests

Movie: everything everywhere all at once

Game: Final Fantasy VII

Game Genre: RPG or Platformer

TV Show: Bob's Burgers

Food: when my mom makes me those little Lipton soup
packets while I'm sick

Drink: Arizona green tea

Book: Catcher in the Rye

Streamer/CC: Jerma

Song: Insomnia by Eve

Music Artist: The Front Bottoms

Place I've been: Seattle

Plant: diphylleia grayi

Animal: any wild cat

Color: red

Season: Fall/Winter

Monster Energy Flavor: Original (Import) or Ultra Paradise



Final Fantasy (mostly og 7)


Chuckle Sandwich



Old interests


The Last Gaurdian





South Park

Fun fact: I'm rehabbing an old PS1 and it turns on now :]