✶ he/him | 19 | 05 line | silly ✶

❛❛I pity you. You just don't get it at all. There's not a thing I don't cherish!❞

- Cloud Strife, my lover

This is Milo! Click to feed him.

Also check out the real Milo

It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!

Track 1


Check out my site button! I would love to exchange with you!

Download the CSP Brushes I use the most!

Click to download

A R T (U N F I N I S H E D)

Below is a catalog of ALL of my art created between mostly 2021-now! each are organized by category. to view any image in full, just click on it and it will open in new tab! DO NOT STEAL MY ART OR FEED IT TO AI PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE- i've been teriffied of showing my art on the internet for a long time out of fear of theft or ai feeding, so pls be cool..

Artfight ToyHouse

my Toyhouse is currently empty since I created it while I was busy with Artfight, but I do plan on adding to it!